Thursday, October 28, 2010

One Sexy Mum

More on my front porch...

We share a duplex with an awesome neighbor--who happens to be our landlord. He bought the place out of foreclosure last year and has since redone the whole thing. He's really awesome about letting me make the place our own and so I pretty much have free reign to decorate and do a little gardening.

I used to absolutely HATE gardening...perhaps it had something to do with the endless hours of weeding I had to do growing up *cough* MOM *cough*...but then something strange happened 2 years ago.

I started to become my mother.

And now I garden, though minimally.

However, I did NOT inherit her green thumb. I'd like to blame a lot of my plant deaths on the hot Texas sun, but in reality, it probably had more to do with my erratic watering schedule. So, I've ended up with a lot of plants that look like this:

Zombie Mum: Half Dead, Half Alive
I do have one pride and joy, though: when I saw this at the store, I thought, "Damn, that is one sexy mum." And then I thought, "Did I just refer to a plant as sexy?" And then I posted it on Facebook, because that is how life is supposed to work.

Too sexy for a decorative pot.

Even the garden gnome hides in its majestic shadow...

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